Employment relations in the European Union

In a globalised world working conditions are increasingly influenced by international developments. However, while multinational companies act beyond national frontiers, a large part of labour regulation is still restricted to the national and local level: labour law, collective agreements, works councils etc. Since the Social Policy Protocol of December 1991 a large set of new institutions at European Union level has emerged: the European Social Dialogue, European framework agreements, European Works Councils etc. Yet, the impact of these developments and the interaction between European, national, local and enterprise level are highly controversial – in the scientific discourse as well as in political debates.

The course is intended to give an overview on several aspects of industrial relations in the European Union:

  • the different national systems of industrial relations in EU member states,
  • the institutional setting of industrial relations at EU level,
  • the theoretical debate about the possibilities, impacts, and shortcomings of transnational labour regulation.


Regular attendance, oral presentations, and essays.

Recommended reading

  • Carley, Mark / McKay, Sonia / Miller, Jean-Michel / Biletta, Isabella (2010): Industrial relations developments in Europe 2009. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living andWorking Conditions.
  • Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research. Vol. 16 no. 3 (August 2010). Currently freely available at trs.sagepub.com.
Wintersemester 2010/2011
Ort und Zeit: 
5.012, Mo 16:15–17:45

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