From a National to a Transnational System - Industrial Relations in Motion (engl.)

Seminar: From a national to a transnational system – industrial relations in motion.  

The following course offers a theoretical and a practical understanding of industrial relations in a global environment. Whilst acknowledging that industrial relations was originally a national construct, globalization, in particular the fall of trade barriers and the growing mobility of capital, has resulted in the emergence of industrial relations institutions that surpass national borders. As a consequence we no longer solely talk about German works councils and collective bargaining, for example, but increasingly about European works councils, transnational agreements and European coordinated collective bargaining. In short, industrial relations have become more complex.

Basis Texte:

Ludger, P. (2008). Die Transnationalisierung der sozialen Welt: Sozialräume jenseits von Nationalgesellschaften, Suhrkamp Verlag

Salomon, M. (2001). Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice, Financial Times

Dunlop, J. (1993). Industrial Relations Systems, Harvard Business School Press Classics

Whittall, M. (2007). Towards a European Labour Identity: The Case of the European Works Council. Routledge.


Sommersemester 2015
Ort und Zeit: 
5.013, Di 12:15-13:45, 0.011

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